CSDI Memberships
World Forum of CSDs (WFC)
The World Forum of CSDs (WFC) is composed of the five regional Central securities Depositories (CSD) associations, i.e. Asia- Pacific CSD Group (ACG), Americas’ Central Securities Depositories Association (ACSDA), Association of Eurasian Central Securities Depositories (AECSD), Africa & Middle East Depositories Association (AMEDA) and European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA). The total number of member CSDs of WFC is 132.
Asia-Pacific CSD Group (ACG)
ACG was formed in November 1997 as an informal international organization with the objective to facilitate the exchange of information and to promote mutual assistance among member securities depositories and clearing organizations in the Asia Pacific region.
Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS)
FEAS was established on 16 May 1995 with 12 founding members. Currently there are 34 members 12 affiliate members and 4 bilateral members including post trade institutions, dealers associations and regional federations from 30 countries.
4. OIC Member States' Stock Exchanges Forum (OICEF)
Member States’ Stock Exchanges Forum Meeting” (Forum) was initiated with a decision taken in line with the request made by the Twentieth Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) for launching a framework of cooperation among the OIC stock exchanges.
Asia fund Standardization Forum (AFSF)
CSDI is a regular member of this Foum. This forum aims at standardization of (Mutual) Funds operations in order that they will become tradable in different countries. Its members are CSDs from Aisan countries. Established in 2015 by Korea Securities Depository (KSD), It currently has 14 member states.