Iran capital market is untapped and complies with the latest standards set by internationally well-known standard-setters such as IOSCO, WFE, and WFC. Our market offers a high diversity to international investors.
Statistics section covers financial figures and statistics from CSDI and the four exchanges in Iran i.e.
Founded in 2005 as a public joint stock company, Central Securities Depository of Iran (CSDI) is the sole registry entity in the Iranian capital market. Enjoying a history of 50 years, the Iranian capital market was demutualized in 2005 and as a result, CSDI was legally segregated from the rest of the capital market and commenced to work as an independent and separate entity. It is the central registrar and clearing house for all the exchanges in Iran i.e. Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), Iran FaraBourse (IFB), Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME), and Iran Energy Exchange (IRENEX). It takes over the registry, clearing, and settlement issues related to equity, Islamic securities (Sukuk), derivatives, energy contracts, electricity, mercantile products etc...