Central Securities Depository Of IRAN


Last updated spring 2022


Spring is finally here! The transition from winter to spring is always a positive and welcome change. I look, with anticipation, to greener fields, warmer air, and renewed energy. 

At CSDI, the spring has been the time of continued growth.

The number of shareholders who registered in CSDI's state-of-the-art e-KYC platform i.e. Comprehensive Information Gathering System (CIGS) exceeded FORTY MILLION, a unique milestone in the history of the Iranian capital market. Our end goal at CSDI is to raise this number to 58 million i.e. the total number of holders of trading accounts in the capital market.

In order to comply with the current Persian calendar year Budget Act (21 March 2022-20 March 2023), dividends should solely be distributed among the shareholders by Central Securities Depository of Iran.

In the meantime, all issuers who have not yet paid dividends to their shareholders in previous years for various reasons,  have been obligated to immediately deposit the dividends into their shareholders' accounts in coordination with CSDI and through its systems.

The experts at CSDI have also managed to provide the facilities to pay the respective dividends of legal shareholders of the companies.

This means that as of now, the dividends of legal shareholders of companies, including investment funds, portfolio management companies, etc., are transferred to their accounts via CSDI.

These were just a few of CSDI's recent attempts in a bid to perfect our customer service to fit our clients' needs.

I will close by noting that we value our staff's efforts and work ethic, and believe it advances our company's growth.

We look forward to what the future holds and to marching into it, together.  


Mohammad Baghestani

CEO & Board Member