Central Securities Depository Of IRAN


Re-Election as FEAS Executive Board


Central Securities Depository of Iran has been re-elected as a member of the Executive Board of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS) on 28 October, 2018.


The election took place as part of the 26th Annual General Assembly and Working Committee Meeting which was organized by the Federation with the support of Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange as the host of this year's event.


Winning the vote, CSDI will reserve its seat at the Executive Board for further two years, ending in 2020.


The result reflects the community's great confidence in CSDI and the high status that Iran's sole depository company enjoys at the Euro-Asian level.


FEAS is a non-profit international organization connecting the main stock exchanges in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. Established in 1995 with 12 founding members, the organization’s reach has expanded to 33 members and 12 affiliates from 29 countries.