CSDI History Detail
Joining FEAS Executive Board
The CEO of CSDI declared that this company has been elected as the executive board of directors of FEAS.
The annual meeting of Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchange was held in Sharm o’ Sheikh in Egypt and CSDI was elected as the member of executive board of this federation.
Egypt Exchange, Muscat Securities Markets, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, Abu Dhabi Securities Market, Borsa Istanbul, Palestine Stock Exchange, Nasdaq OMX Armenia, Sarajevo Stock Exchange, Tehran Stock Exchange and CSDI are the new members of FEAS executive executive board.
In this meeting, Egypt Exchange was chosen to be the chairman, Muscat Securities Market was chosen as the vice chairperson and Kazakhstan Stock Exchange was elected to be the chair of the working committee.
Joining in important international s and groups such as Asia-Pacific CSDs Group (ACG), Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Interexchange Electronic Union (IEU), Asia Fund Standardization Forum (AFSF) and CISO is one of the main strategies of CSDI to improve its international participation.
FEAS was founded in May 16th of 1995 in order to create a fair, efficient, and transparent environment in markets of the members and it has always tried to facilitate transactions and remove trade barriers as much as possible.
Also, increasing the level of cooperation, developing capital markets of the members, providing trade opportunities for issued securities in the region, homogenizing the regulations, and using new technologies for settlement procedures in capital markets are other aims of this federation