Central Securities Depository Of IRAN


CSDI Joins Interexchange Electronic Union (IEU)


Central Securities Depository of Iran (CSDI) has been introduced as a new member of the Interexchange Electronic Union (IEU).


The union’s head Grigor Vardikyan said the Iranian entity’s membership was approved after days of discussion. He personally submitted the membership document to CSDI’s President Mohammad Reza Mohseni earlier this week in Tehran.


The IEU is a non-commercial electronic union by the participation of exchanges as legal entities and acts in an electronic infrastructure for the Commonwealth Independent Countries (CIS) and Eastern Europe. It consists of Commodity Exchange of Armenia (Yercomex), Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE), Kazakhstan Commodity Exchanges ICEX and CEX, Kyrgyzstan Commodity Exchange (KUCEX), Ukraine Commodity Exchange (UCEX) and Agricultural Commodity Exchange of Ukraine and two commodity distribution systems from Armenia and Belarus.