Central Securities Depository Of IRAN




Corporate Data Gateway (CDG) has been designed by Central Securities Depository of Iran in a bid to organize and verify the profile of issuers' shareholders, for verifying with the National Organization for Civil Registration and assigning trading accounts.

This program is compatible with Windows Operating System having a flexible, fast, and efficient performance so that the issuing companies can submit, verify, edit, and send their shareholder's information to CSDI.


Service Provider CSDI
  • CSDI
  • Issuing companies
  • Brokerage firms
  • To prevent changing the data by a third party
  • To verify the information



  • Verification and modification of  issuing companies’ shareholders profile
  • Importing information from an MS Excel file in a 5-digit or 10-digit format
  • Verification of information for different components
  • Exporting in MS Excel file in the standardized company format along with the signature file ensuring the data is not manipulated by a third party
  • Highlight incorrect information with the reasons
Access to this system is for the beneficiaries only and through the web service