CSDI unveils first electronic platform linking Iran capital market to IPAs
Event Date: 2022-02-07
A pioneering dividend distribution system known as "Pars Platform," co-developed by Parsian Bank and CSDI, has been unveiled in a ceremony attended by the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Organization on Monday, February 7, 2022.
The ceremony, which also marked establishment of the first electronic link between the Iranian capital market to commercial banks (IPAs) acting as the payment agents, was held at Parsian Bank's Conference Center in attendance of Dr. Majid Eshghi, the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Organization, Dr. Mohammad Baghestani , the CEO of Central Securities Depository of Iran, Kourosh Parvizian, the CEO of Parsian Bank, and a number of VPs, directors and staff of both CSDI and Pasian Bank.
Release Date: 2022-02-07